Project description
Clinical assessment of the volume of the lower limb in patients with lymphedema: study of reliability
The aim of this study was to examine the reliability of the perimeter, the simple tapeline measurement to determine the circumference of the lower limb and three different methods to determine the volume of the foot. Time efficiency was determined for all the measurement methods. Thirty lymphedema patients of the University Hospitals of Leuven were measured twice by a different assessor. The circumference of the edematous leg was measured twice with the perimeter. The circumference of the leg was measured once with the tapeline. Volume of the leg was calculated with the formula for the truncated cone. Circumference of the foot was determined with the figure of 8 and the tapeline measurement of the malleoli and metatarsals and volume was determined with the volumeter. Time was recorded for each measurement.
> CarEdOn primary researchers: Prof. Nele Devoogdt, Prof. An De Groef
> Research partners: n/a
> Funding: Internal funding of KU Leuven and University Hospitals Leuven
> Keywords: primary edema, secondary edema, breast cancer, prostate cancer, melanoma, gynaecological cancer, edema
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